Terms & Conditions


Firefly Neuroscience Inc. (the “Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”) operates this Website and it is owned, controlled, and operated by the Company.

All content on this site may be subject to rights and license clearances. Furthermore, all information contained in this site is subject to change.

Though the Company endeavors to ensure the accuracy of the information placed on this Website, it does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, wholeness, or correctness of such information or the lack thereof or of any other content, description, or material placed on or referred to on this Website.

Any usage and reliance upon the Website or any of the content therein is as at the user sole responsibility and if you are dissatisfied with the Website or any content or materials on it, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the Website.

The Company reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to modify, alter or otherwise change these Terms and Conditions of use (“Terms”) at any time, and without notice to you. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately upon implementation thereof. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Website and these Terms periodically and to be aware of any modifications. Your continued use of the Website after such modifications will constitute your: (a) acknowledgment of the modified Terms; and (b) agreement to abide and be bound by the modified Terms.

Intellectual Property

All materials on this website (including but not limited to text, images, illustrations, photographs, designs, logos, audio clips, and video clips) are subject to copyright, trademark, service mark, and/or other intellectual property rights and all such materials are owned and controlled by the Company, or by other parties that have licensed their material(s) to the Company.

Use of the images is granted free of charge in connection with the publicizing and promotion of licensed programmers only. For this usage, permission is granted to use the full image or a detail, but not to alter the image in any way. All other uses may only proceed with prior written permission from the Company or the respective party, and a usage fee will be charged.

Should you choose to download, print or copy any content from this Website, you must do so only in accordance with these Terms. In all cases, the Company must be acknowledged as the source of the material. You acknowledge that you have no right to use the content in any other manner including for commercial purposes or other purposes which generates income or saves expenses without our express written consent.

Intellectual Property

The Company does not warrant that the Website, its content, or the server that makes it available are error or virus free or free of other harmful components or that your use of this Website will be uninterrupted.

In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage (whether direct or indirect, including loss of profits or any consequential loss) resulting from or in any way connected with your use of this Website or information herein whether caused by negligence or otherwise. We do not limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

The Website may provide links to other Websites, the content of which is not in the control of the Company. Accordingly the Company cannot accept any responsibility for the materials or offers for goods or services featured on any other Websites. Links to such sites are not to be taken as an endorsement of such Websites or as a warranty that such Websites will be free of viruses or other such items of a destructive nature.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The Company is committed to safeguarding your privacy online. Personally identifiable information held by the Company in the form of registration details will be retained for the exclusive use of the Company in pursuance of its business and will not be sold or otherwise transferred outside the company. A copy of the Company’s Privacy Policy is available on this Website – please review that in its entirety.

If the whole or any part of any clause(s) of these Terms is or becomes invalid for any reason, that invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other provision(s).

These Terms comprise the entire agreement between us and you in respect of your use of this Website.

BNA™ FDA Product Indication

The BNA™ Platform is to be used by qualified medical professionals for the post hoc statistical analysis of the human electroencephalogram (“EEG”), including event-related potentials (“ERPs’). This device is indicated for use in individuals approximately 12 to 85 years of age. The BNA™ Platform is to be used with the Auditory Oddball, Visual Go No-Go (age range of ~25 to ~85 years), and Eyes-Closed tasks.